Stoney Creek Adds ‘Think Week’ To Their Leadership Vocabulary
A word commonly linked to Bill Gates and his success story, ‘Think Week’ is a term that refers to a week during the year when leadership members will run for the hills. Each member of the team schedules their think week in advance with the goal of escaping into nature to catch their breath and take a step back. This not only has an extremely calming and revitalizing effect on the thinker, but it also gives this team member the opportunity to create a clear picture of where they and the company stand, where their weaknesses and strengths are, and how they can move the company forward efficiently once they return.
Stoney Creek Hotels adopted this strategy for 2022 and onwards, as we work to invigorate the core and stimulate progress. By giving our executive team the time to re-discover themselves and their purpose, we are able to move the company forward faster than ever, making smarter executive decisions for the benefit of Stoney Creek as a whole.
Stoney Creek Hospitality president Jeff Mould was the one to bring Think Week into the fold.
“Think week is a vital commitment to our leadership team. With company support, team members select a location surrounded by nature, removing themselves from their day-to-day distractions. Removed from technology, our leaders are able to focus, engage in the outdoors and read. We believe that a new environment, without distraction, is a catalyst for creativity, rejuvenation, and inspiration for the future.”
Stoney Creek VP of Operations, Travis Wiederien, had his first Think Week earlier in the summer with his two dogs. He found the quietest ranges of Colorado, and with his REI tent and dogs for company, he hiked through the mountains for a week straight. On his return, he was able to implement Stoney Creek’s integration with Profit Sword in record time.
Stoney Creek VP of Finance Matt Liebrand just returned from his think week travels, where he took to the road and traveled all the way to Utah, experiencing Moab for the first time, along with various stops along the way for fishing and hiking. Matt has been working hard to position Stoney Creek Hospitality as a major player in the hotel management industry for over three years, and the horizon line is now closer than any of us could have imagined.
As we work hard to build Stoney Creek Hospitality from the inside out, Think Weeks are going to be a vital part of the success - and the sanity! - or our leadership team moving forward. To learn more about our team, visit to our About Page.